How Long Does It Take To Get Global Entry?

How Long Does It Take To Get Global Entry?

We have had a few readers ask us how long does it take to get Global Entry because they applied months ago and have still not been conditionally approved. While the answer varies from person to person, it is clear that the average Global Entry processing time has...
How Long Does Global Entry Last?

How Long Does Global Entry Last?

There is some confusion about how long does Global Entry last after your initial approval for Global Entry. Most people know that Global Entry is good for 5 years but are unclear when those 5 years start. The most obvious assumption is that Global Entry expires 5...
Are Children Included in TSA Precheck?

Are Children Included in TSA Precheck?

I love having TSA Precheck benefits and have written about how to apply for TSA Precheck and Global Entry (Global Entry includes TSA Precheck).  A few readers have asked a question in the comments that I think many families would find useful: Does TSA PreCheck extend...
How Long Does Global Entry Last?

Global Entry For Children: What Are the Rules?

In preparation for traveling internationally with my kids, I researched the rules regarding Global Entry (which also includes TSA Precheck) and children. Specifically, I wanted to find out: do children have Global Entry if one of their parents does? According to...

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