Unless you have already, some of you might still be planning on applying for a credit card that earns Southwest Rapid Rewards in order to earn most of the 110,000 points needed to get the Southwest companion pass for 2019 and 2020.  Currently, the personal versions are offering an official sign up bonus of only 40,000 points (if you apply from chase.com or southwest.com).  If you plan to apply for one of the personal versions of the Southwest card, make sure you do not apply using a link offering only a 40,000 sign up bonus, as it is easy to find links for a 50,000 sign up bonus. [OFFER EXPIRED]

As many of you know, the official sign up bonus for Southwest credit cards is normally 25,000 points or 40,000 points, but Chase periodically raises the bonus to 50,000. There are  5 versions of the Southwest credit card available – two (2) business version (Southwest Rapid Rewards Premier Business Credit Card and Southwest Rapid Rewards Performance Business Credit Card) and three (3) personal versions (Southwest Rapid Rewards Premier Credit Card, the Southwest Rapid Rewards Plus Credit Card and the new Southwest Rapid Rewards Priority Credit Card).  Right now, the sign up bonus is only 40,000 for all 3 of the personal versions.

You might be able to find links to a 50,000 sign up bonus (if you are not targeted):

Chase Refer-A-Friend

use southwest credit card referral 2017 to get southwest credit card 50k points sign up bonus

Even when the official sign up bonus is only 40,000, Chase might still offer a sign up bonus of 50,000 points through Chase Refer-A-Friend (currently refer a friend is only offering 40,000). (If you are not familiar with Chase Refer A Friend read this post first.)

If you have a friend or family member that has the Southwest card, ask them to go on chasereferafriend.com and send you a referral. They will earn points for making the referral and you will receive the 50000 sign up bonus so it is a win win.

What if you don’t know anyone that has the Southwest card? You can find people online that will refer you. Two places to find someone to refer you include these threads on flyertalk. Some of our readers will also leave their email or referral link on our posts about Chase Refer a Friend (you can find some here).




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