One of the things I do before I travel, is to let my banks that issued my credit or ATM cards know that I will be traveling abroad.  While you can call your bank, some banks make it easy to quickly notify them of your travel plans online. Fortunately, Bank of America has an online travel notification form which makes it really easy to let them know of your travel plans.

When Should You Notify Bank of America of Your Travel Plans?

According to BofA, a travel notice can be set no more than 60 days prior to departure and can last for up to 90 days from the first day of your trip. Also, you can only have one travel notice set at a time.

While I usually complete travel notifications only when traveling internationally, the form also allows you to notify Bank of America when traveling to another state in the US. If you will be charging a lot of things on your credit card, it does not hurt to take a minute to complete the form.

How to Set Up a Bank of America Travel Notification Online 

Log into your account and hover your mouse over “Help & Support” on the top right.

bank of america online travel notification form

You will see a few options – click on “Set Travel Notice” and the Travel notification form will come up.

If you click on “Help & Support” you can reach the travel notification form either by clicking on “Set Travel Notice” under  “Common Topics” or by clicking under “Travel Information”:

bank of america travel notice debit card


how to notify bank of america of travel plans

Complete, the Travel Notice form. You can complete the form for either domestic travel or international travel. The form even has a box where you can provide details of your trip.

bank of america travel notice online

While some people don’t notify their banks before travel and they don’t have any issues, I always make sure to complete an online travel notification form online.  It only takes a minute and it is worth it to avoid getting your credit card declined in a foreign country.



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