To celebrate the first anniversary of The Travel Sisters, we are giving away two American Express gift cards to thank our readers.

There areĀ two gift cards up for grabs –Ā one $50 American Express gift card and oneĀ $25 American Express gift card.

This is what you need to do in order to enter:

1) To win the $25Ā American ExpressĀ gift card, leave us a comment below about anything you would like.

2) The $50 American Express gift card is available only toĀ our e-mail subscribers. One e-mail subscriber will be chosen at random. If you do not already subscribe and wish to do so please enter your email address in the box on the left under “Subscribe to Blog via Email.”

There is one entry available per method for a total of two entries a person.Ā 

The entry period ends 11:59 pm central timeĀ January 15, 2015. The winner will be chosen by us randomly and announced on January 16, 2015.

Sorry, must have either a US or Canadian address to enter.

Good luck and thanks for reading!

Update: The winner of the $25 American Express Gift card is Tanya (comment number 12). We only have an email address for the winner of the $50 American Express Gift gift card so we will be keeping their information private. We will be emailing both winners shortly.


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